Kettleshulme Directories,  1850 and 1874

Part of Charlie Hulme's history site


From: Bagshaw, Samuel. History, gazetteer, and directory of the county palatine of Chester. Sheffield, printed for the author, 1850.

Note: transcribed from a very well-used copy previously owned by John Barton of High Lane and my aunt, his wife Alice, née Hill. Also bears the signature E.J. Ollerenshaw on the flyleaf.

KETTLESHULME, small village and township 7 miles N.E. from Macclesfield, contains 1047 acres of land, the owners of which are copyholders, being "within the manor and forest of Macclesfield," of which the Earl of Derby is hereditary steward and master forester. In 1841, here were 90 houses and 336 inhabitants. Population in 1801, 292; in 1831, 332. Eateable value, £902. The principal landowners are the Earl of Derby, executors of Mr. Marriott, Mr. Thomas Brocklehurst, Mr. Richard Robinson, Mr. John Livesly, Mr. John Jackson, Mr. James Jackson, Mr George Lomas, Mr. Wm. Brockleshurst, Mr J. Sheldon, Rev. James Sumner, and others. The whole township is cold, bleak, and mountainous, with a thin, poor soil. The Wesleyan Methodists have a small chapel in the village. The tithes have been purchased by the owners of 397 acres of land, and the rest are commuted for £12.

CHARITIES.-  Thomas Ouff, who died in 1629, left a moiety of the rents of certain lands, usually amounting to about £1 3s. 4d. to be distributed amongst the poor. This is given away with Gaskell's charity, among the most necessitous persons in the township. Fras Gaskill, in 1718, left a rent charge of 10s. annually to the poor. Edward Gaskell, in 1786, gave 10s. yearly, charged on certain properties in Kettleshulme. He also gave £10 towards a school in this township. The property charged with the the payment of 10s. per annum, was sold about 20 years ago, since when the payments has been refused. Francis Gaskell, in 1802, bequeathed 10s. per annum, and directed the amount to be expended in ten shilling loaves, for the most necessitous families in the township.

Bancroft William, joiner
Dewsnap John, vict. Swan with two necks
Johnson Jas. boot and shoemkr
Longden John, blacksmith
Pearson Geo. boot & shoe mkr
Pott George, vict. Bull's Head
Shalcross & Sheldon, candlewick
manufacturers, Lumb hole mill

Sutton Wm. boot & shoe mkr
Swann James, shopkeeper

Andrew John
Bennett John
Bennett William
Bradshaw Isaac
Broadhead Matthew
Broadhead William

Brocklehurst Mary
Brickleshurst William
Boothby Mary
Cotterell Frances
Cotterell Peter
Fidler Thomas
Garlick Jeremiah
Goddard Nicolas
Handford John
Handford John
Haywood Thomas
Hewitt Samuel
Hill Jacob
Lomas John
Lomas Thomas
Longden John
Lowe James
Pearson George
Penington James
Southern Ann
Wainwright John
Ward George
Williamson Samuel

[From the Rainow chapter:]

SALTERSFORD or JENKIN CHAPEL is a small fabric, built in the most dreary part of this mountainous district; it takes its name from its situation, near Jenkin's Cross, and was built about the year 1739, by subscription. The Vicar of Prestbury is the patron, and the Rev. Hugh Thomas Downman is the officiating curate. SALTERSFORD HALL, a curious old mansion, situate about a quarter of a mile south from Jenkin Chapel, was built in 1595. This was formerly the seat of the Stopfords; one of whom, James Stopford, was a lieutenant in the forces in Ireland, and eventually acquired a large property in that kingdom; Baron Saltersford and Earl Courtown, a descendant of this James Stopford, is the present owner of the estate, from which he takes the title of Baron Saltersford. The Hall is now occupied as a farmhouse. HULLEY HAY, 1½ miles S. from Jenkin Chapel, an encient residence, has the date 1681, and has been on the Latham family for many generations; it is now occupied by Mr. Ashton Latham.

Farmers:  [the following are the ones from the Rainow list marked by * as in Saltersford:]

Barber Martha
Brocklehurst John
Brocklehurst Thos
Broster Mary
Dale Ozias
Etchells Peter
Kenworthy Joshua
Latham Ashton, Hulley Hay
Lomas Richard
Lowe James
Lowe Matthew
Lowe Peter

Massey Thos
Mottershead Chas
Potts Robert
Robinson Joshua
Sharpley John

Transcribed February 2006.

Kettleshulme in Morris & Co's Cheshire Directory, 1874

Source: Historical Directories, University of Leicester.

Clergy and Gentry

Butterworth Rev. Albert Nelson, B.A.,
 The Vicarage
Lomas Mr Thomas, Neighbour Way
Silvester Mr John, Brook Bottom

Trades and Professions

Beard John, shopkeeper
Bennett James, farmer, Kishfield Farm
Bennett Robert, farmer, Slater's farm
Bennett Samuel, shopkeeper
Boothby Robert, farmer, Fields farm
Boothby William, farmer,
 Shields Fold farm
Boothby William, farmer,
 Well House farm
Broadhead Matthew, farmer,
 Side End farm
Brocklehurst George, farmer,
 Spon's farm
Brocklehurst George, Jun., farmer,
 Far Car farm
Brocklehurst Mrs Mary, farmer,
 Redfern's farm
Collier James, farmer,
 Walker Brow farm
Cotterill Peter, farmer,
 Tunstead Knoll farm
Dewsnap Hugh, "Swan"
Fidler George, Lapwing farm
Garlick Mrs Catherine, farmer,
Coalhurst farm
Garlick Samuel, shopkeeper
Goddard James, farmer, Clough farm
Goddard William, farrner, Wright's farm
Goodwin Robert, farmer, Cooper shaw
Greenhough Henry, farmer, Stock's farm
Handford Amos, farmer, Dunge
Hewitt William, farmer, Town Field farm
Hill Abraham, farner, Thornycroft farm
Hill Ebenezer, farmer
Jackson James, farmer, Kirby clough
Johnson William, shoemaker
Lomas Edward, farmer, Car farm
Lomas Mrs. Mary, farmer
Pearson Mrs. nancy, farmer, Priest farm
Pennington Mrs. Betty, farmer,
 Round Knoll
Pennington John, farmer
Potts Thomas, "Bull's Head"
Sheldon John, Candle wick spinner and manufacturer, Lumb Hole mill
Sutton William, boot and shoemaker
Turner Jesse, farmer, Old Mat's farm
Turner John, farmer, Five Lane ends
Wainwright John, farmer,  Hollow Cow Hey farm
Ward Mrs Martha, farmer, Green dales
Williamson Samuel, Bent Hill farm

Letters from Stockport.
National School - Miss Catherine C. Lacey, mistress
Carriers: Macclesfield - George Boothby, Thomas Garlick, and John Beard, Tues and Sat.